Program Info

Norfolk County Spring League




For players in Grades 2-8


Instructional Spring League


For players in K-1 Grade

Summer Travel

Hockomock League


Age Divisions
10U, 12U, 14U, & 18U


Recreational League


For players in Grades 2-5


Norfolk County Spring League

Walpole Girls Softball participates in the Norfolk County Spring League (NCSL).  The program is open to girls from 2nd through 8th grade of all ability levels.

Teams typically play half of their games in Walpole and the other half in surrounding towns including Foxboro, Norwood, Dedham, Sharon, and Westwood.

Farm League

The Farm League is for players in 2nd and 3rd grades.  Each team has 6-8 players.  There are no player evaluations for the Farm League.

Games are pitched by players but after 3 balls a coach pitches for the rest of the at bat. Taking leads is OK, but stealing bases is not allowed.

Games are 2 times per week for a total of 8 games with other Walpole teams.  There are playoffs if we have enough teams.

Parents can expect one practice/clinic per week in April before the season starts.

2025 Farm League cost is $165.00, which includes a T-shirt.

Minor League

The Minor Leagues is for players in 4th and 5th grades.  All minor league players are encouraged to attend at least one evaluation session before the teams are assigned.

Games are pitched by players. Walks are allowed.  Stealing is allowed, except at home.

Games are 2 times per week but there may be 3 games in some weeks.  It is a 10 game season with playoffs.

Parents can expect one practice/clinic per week in April before the season starts

2025 Minor League cost is $215.00.  Families are responsible for ordering and paying for players' uniforms from The Run House in Walpole.  More information to follow.

Major League

The Major League is for players in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.  All major league players are encouraged to attend at least one evaluation session before the teams are assigned.

Games are pitched by players.  Walks are allowed.  Players can run on a dropped 3rd strike when appropriate. Stealing all bases is allowed.

Games are 2 times per week but there may be 3 games in some weeks.  It is a 10 game season with playoffs

Parents can expect one practice/clinic per week in April before the season starts

2025 Major League cost is $215.00.  Families are responsible for ordering and paying for players' uniforms from The Run House in Walpole.  More information to follow.

Instructional Spring League

The goal of the instructional league is to introduce the basic fundamentals of  the game of softball.  Players will learn how to properly throw, field, and hit a ball, as well as proper base running – which includes our famous relay races around the bases.  Teams are generally grouped by the elementary school players attend.  The program is open to kids in kindergarten and 1st grade.  The program meets 2 times per week for 6 weeks beginning in mid-April.

2025 dates and times are TBD.  For reference, the 2024 Spring Instructional League was held on Mondays from 6:30-8pm and on Saturdays from 8-9:30am.

2025 cost is $165.00, which includes a T-shirt.

Hockomock Summer Softball League

The Summer Softball Hockomock League is a competitive travel team that runs for 8 weeks, beginning in late June.  Tryouts are required.

Players are grouped by their age as of August 31, 2024:

10u (10 years old)

12u (12 years old)

14u (14 years old)

There will be at least one team for each of the 10U and 12U divisions.  We may be able to have two teams per age group if there is a lot of interest.

We will have a 14U team if there is enough interest.

Parents can expect a time two games per week, plus a practice.  Games are in Walpole and surrounding towns.

2025 cost is TBD.  For reference, the cost for 2024 Summer Hockomock League was:

  • 10U - $210.00
  • 12U - $260.00
  • 14U - $260.00

Families purchase jerseys and pants for those who need them.

Tryouts for 10U and 12U are held in May, 2025 date TBD.

2025 Registration opens in mid-June

Summer Recreational League

The Summer Rec League is for players looking for a less intense playing experience over the summer.  The program is open to girls currently in 2nd-5th grade for the 2024-25 school year The program runs for six weeks beginning in late June.

Please note that there is no guarantee that this league will run every year as it is based on interest and the number of teams that surrounding towns can field as well.

2025 cost is TBD.  For reference, the cost for 2024 Summer Recreational League was $175.00.

2025 Registration opens in mid-June

Winter Beginning Pitching Clinic

The Winter Beginning Pitching Clinic is for players 12 years and under looking to learn the basic fundamentals of pitching.  Each clinic is limited to 7 players.

Clinics run 1 time per week for 6 weeks beginning in February.

All players need to provide their own adult catcher.

2025 cost and registration is TBD.